Target group(s) and key actors
In the project multidisciplinary skills of different sectors and stakeholders
of the building branch likeowners, users, architects, material scientists and engineers, structural engineers, building service engineers, as well as industrial engineers, manufacturing, production, management, design and consultant experts will be used.
The consortium comprises companies from different members of the target group. They all have worked together on the preparation of this proposal. Starting with a workshop that was held at Fraunhofer Institute of Building Physics in Stuttgart in March 2004 with contributions from industry and research institutions. All aspects of this project were discussed and the proposal was developed on that basis.
The target group can be divided into two groups:
• Primary target group
• architects and designers
• consultants
• facade industry
• HVAC industry
• Investors
• general contractors
• building industry
• standardisation bodies
• Secondary target group:
• building owners
• building users
• authorities
• knowledge providers (Universities, Research Centers)